Putting the Puzzle Together

On fridays I stay at home with my youngest son who is 2 years old.   He’s pretty activity.  On this day he migrated from reading books to making me food in the play kitchen to assembling a puzzle.  In fact, he worked on that puzzle for a while.  At first, I didn’t want to intervene because I could see the wheels turning in his head.  But, if I’m honest, I was also learning some Read More …

Daddy Diary: My child must learn…

Caedmon (my 7 year old) has a friend over and wanted to show off a bit for her.  She thought she was being funny by going to the bathroom sink, wetting her hand, and flicking me with water. It was funny, but she must learn! So, I found the two water bottles that we use to keep the cat off stuff. I asked her if she wanted to dual, of course she did. I even Read More …

Daddy Diary (Ambush Edition)

With three children in the house, I’ve given up hope that I will ever take a shower alone again.  I have resigned myself to the fact that children will be coming in and out of the bathroom as I complete my necessary morning routine.  But, there is one place I insist on my own space.  I like to have peace and solitude, even from my wife, while I get dressed in the morning. Today, I Read More …