How to Succeed in Seminary

A new school year has started and I want to drop some words of wisdom on the next class. For those of you in Seminary here are some tips for succeeding at getting your master’s degree. 1. Realize this is a choice: It may not feel like you have a choice, but you do.  You can quit anytime you want.  There is no one making you do this.  You have been called to a path that Read More …

A new command command we forgot about.

I have a heard a lot of trash talking lately about professors.  What I am hearing isn’t critic of material or teaching style or even the usefulness of the class, I have heard people say some pretty nasty things about the teachers themselves.  These judgements leveed are based on classrooms interactions, methods of grading, and hearsay.  What is most startling is that students are gleaning from these interactions the professors motivation. Read this next line Read More …

Sin Boldly (Did Luther Really Mean It The Way We Use It Today?)

At PLTS, a popular phrase quoted is two words from Martin Luther.  Students will triumphantly announce something like, “Well, Luther tells us to SIN BOLDLY.” It seems it is more often than not used as an excuse to allow sins (not Sin) to continue in the life of the believer.  It has become a license to allow breaking the commandments–behaviors that transgress the way God would have us live as members of the Kingdom of God Read More …