Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe (also Virgin of Guadalupe) is the name given to Mary the mother of Jesus when she appeared to Juan Diego on hillside outside Mexico City. The Virgin appeared to Juan Diego on Dec 9, 1531 and spoke to him 5 times in Nahuatl, Diego’s native language. The account of her apparition is found in the Nican Mopohua. At the end of the encounters her image appeared on Juan Diego’s tilma (cloak) Read More …

Helping The Poor

“It is folly, it is madness, to fill our wardrobes full of clothes and to regard with indifference a human being, a being made in the image and likeness of God, who is naked, trembling with cold and almost unable to stand.You say: ‘But that fellow there is pretending to tremble and not to have any strength.” So what? If that poor fellow is putting it on, he is doing it because he is trapped Read More …