Stylish Baptism Questions

Hi, I’m Leslie from “Big Rich Texas” and I am going to show you how to make an adult baptism stylish. It really is appropriate to have a baptism anywhere. I mean, you can have it in a beautiful lake, you could actually have it in a church. I mean, sometimes that’s more traditional. But I prefer a beautiful swimming pool. It’s a little bit more controlled, and it’s a little bit cleaner. It is appropriate for Read More …

Keeping the Baptismal Font Filled

Where did the water go? As a person who goes into the sanctuary almost daily I find it odd when I find the Baptismal font empty.  In some congregations the baptismal font is filled before the Sunday service and emptied afterward. I am not sure why some Altar Guilds do this. I think that I can make a case that the Baptismal font should always have water in it (Lent is not exception to this, but Read More …