Worship in the Park

For the last couple years I’ve had the opportunity to share some ideas with the congregation I’m currently serving.  One idea that I am particular fond of is taking Sunday worship to a local park. This is a little outside the comfort zone of most Lutherans, so I put together the following proposal for consideration of the church council whom pretty quickly decided we should try it. Worship in the Park Proposal WHAT: The worship service Read More …

Children In Church (Building An Accepting Culture)

My brother Joshua Serrano wrote on the spiritual discipline of letting your children be noisy in church.  He was inspired by Wes who did a marvelous job explaining why children should be in the pews.  Both of these posts have led me to think, “How do we build a culture within our congregation that allows children to be children in the pews?” First of all, I get it.  Having children in worship is a challenging thing Read More …

Keeping the Baptismal Font Filled

Where did the water go? As a person who goes into the sanctuary almost daily I find it odd when I find the Baptismal font empty.  In some congregations the baptismal font is filled before the Sunday service and emptied afterward. I am not sure why some Altar Guilds do this. I think that I can make a case that the Baptismal font should always have water in it (Lent is not exception to this, but Read More …