David Gushee’s Kingdom Ethics was assigned reading for an ethics class at Fuller Theological Seminary. I found it to be deep, and insightful and a primer for my understanding of Christian Ethics. In this book he takes on the lack of inclusion of LGBTQ folk in the Christian Church and I found it as equally meaningful as Kingdom Ethics..
Gushee is faithful to an Evangelical Hermeneutic and exegets the scripture in a way that can help Evangelicals come to terms with embracing LGBTQ Christians. This book helps anyone understand how the scriptures are not as clear as most anti-LGBTQ folk believe. Gushee does a supurb job in taking the scriptures seriously, framing their historical realities, and providing a way forward for those who have been taught their whole life that the Bible is clear on this issue.
For some this book will still be too conservative. He frames sex as only appropriate in the context of monogamous life long relationships (marriage). But, for everyone he gives a way of interpreting scripture that can help turn the whole church to being more like Jesus in receiving LGBTQ people.