I found some useful nuggets in this book like the author’s definition of Spiritual gifts; I agree with it completely.
“I would define spiritual gifts as gifts of grace granted by the Holy Spirit which are designed for the edification of the church.”
At the same time I found this book difficult to pay attention and a bit scattered in direction.
The author lost me in chapter 2 when he tried to make the case that the gifts of wisdom and knowledge were the same as the gift of teaching. He tries to combine other gifts as well.
The culmination of the book is an argument for a nuanced Cessationism that is unconvincing. The author makes the claim that if the Spiritual Gifts of Apostleship and Prophecy where to exist today it would threaten the final authority of scripture. This line of reasoning makes no sense to me since both the gift of apostleship and prophecy are still subject to scripture. Just because they exist doesn’t mean that they stand above scripture.
Over all, there are better works out there to learn about the Spiritual Gifts. This is a good read to see a view that tries to combine several of the gifts like wisdom and knowledge with teaching and miracles with healing.
In the end, while I found the book to be interesting, I don’t think it is in line with what scripture teaches about the Spiritual Gifts as a whole. Therefore I would not recommend it unless you are looking to study various points of view on the Spiritual Gifts.