Good Creation (Psalm 8)

“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; What are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?” (Psalm 8:3-4).

Creation points beyond itself to something-or should I say someone-bigger.  The Psalmist recognizes here that the sky with the moon and the stars are not here just by chance, they are a work of art by a master artist.  They have been lovingly formed for a purpose. And yet, with all the grandeur of creation, with the beauty of the ocean, and the redwoods, and the mountains, God has seen fit to include you in creation.  You are a part of the majestic work of God’s creation.

 I often hear from people that they have a deep sense of connection when they’re out in nature. In fact when asking people to name one of their spiritual discipline more than a few have named hiking. This is no surprise, we live in a God infused world.

 But, at certain times it’s difficult to recognize our place. We get bogged down with work, and routine, and apathy. Sometimes, it’s hard for us to find our way, or plot a clear path.

 When I find myself not sure what to do next, or feeling like I am lost, I remember creation and steep myself in it.  I get my eyes on the ocean, my feet in the sand, or my head in the fog of a mountain.  These places help me remember.  In creation I can more easily recall that everything has a purpose and so do I—even if I’m not sure what it is at that moment.

 Creation points to the Master Artist who will reveal what you need.

 You are not here by chance. The same God who formed the stars and the moon created humanity.  Just like they are beautiful and have a place within God’s vast creation, so do you!


Holy Creator, you have made me as a part of your beautiful creation. Call me to the ocean, and  mountain, and sea that I may hear from you. Just as you spoke to the prophets of old in silence on the mountain, speak to me. Show me your way forward. Amen.

What do you think?